A very exciting announcement...

Hi friends! I hope your busy schedules are winding down and you’re starting to think about all the food to be consumed this Thursday… I know I’ll need a full day of prep to make everything I want to eat.

I’m so excited to tell you that after YEARS of dreaming about doing this, Michael and I have finally made a Christmas album! It’s going to be released very soon (stay tuned) and here’s the album cover and track listing below…


THAT’S RIGHT —- volume one :)

Can’t wait to unfold the full plan (!!) but for now, I hope you enjoy these 6 songs that we have poured a whole bunch of love into. And it would mean the world to us if you told every single one of your friends about the album! Word of mouth is priceless.

Much love, and more info to come this week!

xo xo & Happy Thanksgiving!
